Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Architecture Frameworks Usage

Architecture Frameworks are commonly used in IT/IS governance. An organization may wish to mandate that certain models be produced before a system design can be approved. Similarly, they may wish to specify certain views be used in the documentation of procured systems - the U.S. Department of Defense stipulates that specific DoDAF views be provided by equipment suppliers for capital project above a certain value.

In recent years, it has become apparent that a key benefit to be gained from Enterprise architecture is the ability to support decision making in changing businesses. Because Enterprise Architecture brings together business models (e.g. process models, organizational charts, etc.) and technical models (e.g. systems architectures, data models, state diagrams, etc.) it is possible to trace the impact of organizational change on the systems, and also the business impact of changes to the systems. The views-based approach of most Architecture Frameworks can provide decision support to a certain degree - i.e. the decision maker can look to the models and work out where the critical dependencies are. However, in more complex scenarios with large enterprise models, and numerous variables and dependencies, the granularity of a views-based approach is not sufficiently fine. Many of the more recent Architecture Frameworks such as DoDAF, MODAF, or AGATE are underpinned by a standard meta model which defines the critical architectural elements and the dependencies between them. Applications based on these models can then query the underlying architectural information.


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